Let her spread her wings,
Empower her, to explore the winds.
Let her fall, let her find her way.

Let her commit mistakes,

And teach herself to obey.

Let her run,

Embracing the sun,

Let her fly,

High into the sky.

Be with her at all times,

You are the ones she needs the most.

Support her! Show her that you love!

Without stopping her from moving forward.

Yes, there will be challenges,

Yes, there will be high times,

Yes, she will cry,

And of course, she will break.

That will be the time,

When your role you play.

Don’t let her break,

Don’t let her run away,

Instead, help her stand again.

Just know, she is different,

Her dream is to fly.

She is God’s angel, your princess.

Don’t enclose her life like a lion’s in a cage.

Don’t force her to follow societal norms!

‘Cause she is different,

And her dream is to fly!

She asks for your permission,

Oh! So much she wants you to oblige.

For she loves you,

So please oblige, and let her fly!

Just let her fly!

High into the sky.

Published by Shruti

I'm an aspiring writer, expressing my thoughts and views by writing.

9 thoughts on “LET HER FLY!

  1. Didn’t really see this piece of writing till today, but now that I have, it has clearly stuck a chord. Amazingly drafted Shruti! More power to you.


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